STARS (PBL) at Fernbrooke State School
Fernbrooke State School uses Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) as the multi-tiered system of support for students. This is a whole-school approach used in all classrooms and programs offered throughout our school. PBL is about staff developing positive relationships with students to create safe, supportive and engaging learning environments.
PBL is an evidence-based framework used to:
- analyse and improve student behaviour and learning outcomes.
- ensure that only evidence-based practices are used correctly by staff to support students.
- continually support staff members to maintain consistent school and classroom improvement practices.
Our staff take responsibility for:
- making sure their expectations are clear and aligned with Fernbrooke SS expectations.
- providing supportive instruction about how to meet these expectations.
- consistently providing positive reinforcement for students meeting and exceeding expectations.
- striving to use behavioural incidents as opportunities to re-teach expectations.
Fernbrooke SS has five School-wide Expectations which can easily be remembered by using the acronym STARS. Students who consistently meet STARS expectations are recognised as Exceeding Expectations, our school motto.
Our expectations are characterised and promoted using a Peregrine Falcon (Perry) mascot who represents the STARS (students) of Fernbrooke State School. Perry often makes appearances at assemblies and other school events to promote STARS behaviour. These expectations form the basis of our common language at Fernbrooke SS.
Important Artefacts and Documents
Artefacts and documents that support the successful implementation of the STARS (PBL) system include:
- Perry's Flight Path to the STARS -
Perry's Flight Path to the STARS.pdf
This artefact provides the narrative for the expectations at Fernbrooke SS
with the key messages summarising what we expect from students and what
students can expect from staff. Staff consistently refer to this when positively reinforcing desired behaviour and also when correcting behaviour. - Fernbrooke SS Expectations Matrix -
FSS Expectations Matrix.pdf
This matrix provides in more detail the expected behaviours in our school across all settings and uses the five STARS expectations as a guiding structure. These are the behaviours that are explicitly taught throughout the year to support students in Exceeding Expectations. Strategies that support student learning include:
- Weekly STARS (PBL) lessons including Zones of Regulation (Social and Emotional Learning) conducted by classroom teachers
- Positive reinforcement system (Systems of reward outlined below)
- Fair, respectful and consistent behaviour correction approach
- Reinforcement of learning from STARS (PBL) lessons demonstrated on school assemblies
- Active supervision by staff during classroom and non-classroom activities
- Classroom visual resources
- Communication with parents to inform them of their child's positive behaviour and alert them of Celebration of Learning Day events
- 40+ STARS Certificates
- Student of the Week certificates aligned with our five schoolwide expectations
- In class visits from administration staff
- School signage
- Fernbrooke SS - 3 Systems of Reward -
Fernbrooke SS - 3 Systems of Reward.pdf
This artefact outlines the three systems of reward used to positively reinforce desired student behaviour.
- Student Code of Conduct -
Student Code of Conduct.pdf
The Student Code of Conduct outlines in detail the expectations of student behaviour at Fernbrooke SS, including the obligations of staff, parents and carers. It also provides detail of the processes used when dealing with problem behaviour.
STARS (PBL) Team and Parent/Carer Support
Fernbrooke State School has a STARS (PBL) team lead by Learning Engagement Coach (LEC), Matt Mitchell. The team also comprises of representatives from administration, year level cohorts and the Metropolitan Behaviour Team. Key roles of the STARS (PBL) team include but are not limited to:
- the collection of feedback to review systems and develop whole school behaviour targets.
- data analysis to identify and respond to areas of behaviour requiring positive recognition or added focus.
- the development of universal strategies to respond to behavioural needs as required.
- the development and planning of whole school positive reinforcement strategies such as the Systems of Reward outlined earlier.
- review and update, where required, of school behaviour documentation.
Parent/Carer support of the STARS (PBL) framework is a fundamental element of its success. We value parent contributions and encourage parents to contact the school to discuss any aspect of the Fernbrooke State School (STARS) PBL framework. Families can align with STARS (PBL) weekly focus by checking the student newsletter or electronic noticeboard for the weekly STARS focus. Other areas of support in managing student behaviour include: